Relocating Your Business? Take these steps to make your moving day a success!

Once your new space has been selected, the other critical aspects of moving your business successfully begin. We know moving a business is a major undertaking, and that is why we have created a Relocation Guide to assist our clients with the necessary planning and preparation to make relocating a business a smooth transition for you, your employees, and your customers.


Organize Your Information

  • Review floor plans
  • Determine physical upgrades & buildouts
  • Consider IT needs
  • Order necessary new equipment & furniture
  • Notify your vendors
  • Announce your move to the world!

Getting Your New Space Ready

Before you begin unloading the boxes in your new business location, you want to take advantage of the empty space to make any necessary upgrades in services or remodeling requirements. Carefully review the blueprints and floor plans so you can identify key components such as electrical/telephone/IT services, lighting requirements, access, and office structure. Consider the things that drive you crazy in your current location, and work to improve or solve these issues in your new space.

Take some time with a measuring tape and paper to sketch out placement of your office and business equipment layout in the new space. Will everything fit? What do you need to upgrade or purchase additional equipment and furniture for? Moving even simple things like electrical outlets are much easier to accomplish before a space has been moved into. It’s a great idea to do a walk through with your IT professional and other key service providers prior to the move to review what changes need to be made.

Our Guide has a great checklist for you to run down through so you can be sure you are not forgetting anything!

Give Special Attention to Technology

IT and other communication systems are the lifeblood of a company, and a move requires special attention to your entire communications infrastructure. Your new space, or the new equipment you are investing in, may require updated network cables and lines, or you may be adding a dedicated server that needs consideration. If you are moving towns, and use a landline, you may need to change your business phone number.

Backup all your data, and the individual desktops, etc. if necessary, prior to unplugging and moving any computers. Be sure this includes a backup off-site in case any equipment is damaged or goes missing during the move. It is a good idea to have appointments scheduled with an IT professional (or your telecommunications provider) immediately following the move to resolve any technical issues, because we know there are always technical issues.

Bottom line – you do not want your communications technology to be interrupted for too long on moving day. Schedule the necessary professionals to help you make this part of the transition as smooth as possible.

Notify, Notify, Notify

It is easy to overlook the nearly hundreds of vendors, suppliers, and other contacts that we interact with in the course of conducting business. Running down through your accounts payable list over the last year or so helps to jog the memory, as well as the business manager’s email contacts list. Consider:

  • Office & Business Suppliers
  • Utilities & Insurances
  • Building Maintenance & Care
  • Professional Services

Avoid services being interrupted by getting ahead of this piece of the moving project. Create an email template or simple handout so notification with details is easy. Our Guide has a list for handy reference so you don’t forget anyone.

We know you will remember to update your printed materials, but don’t forget your digital media, social media accounts, various business apps and logins, and your search engine listings. Your email signatures and website location information is critical, and include a map-search function where possible for easy directions.

Communicating with Customers

Like employees, often customers have a difficult time when a business they patron moves, and you don’t want to neglect clearly informing these valuable stakeholders. Customers need to know that your move is intended for you to be able to serve them better, so determine the benefits to your customer-base and communicate them well and often. Will your new location be more convenient? Is there better parking? How will your product or services be improving as a result of this move?

Begin notifying your customers well in advance of your move via traditional mail, location signage, and through your digital communications. This will give them time to prepare, ask necessary questions, and never arrive to an empty building instead of your new location. Be sure your staff is prepared to handle complaints effectively, and answer questions thoroughly, and you will avoid frustrated customers.

Moving Logistics

Whether you manage the move yourself, or hire a professional moving company, there are plenty of efforts you can make for an easier moving day.

Just like our homes, we tend to be pack-rats at the office too. Instead of moving extra clutter and outdated items to your new clean location, take time to go through desk drawers, file cabinets and storage areas while you’re packing, and recycle and get rid of unnecessary things. Donate unwanted office equipment and furniture, and shred files before throwing them out. We have a list of donation sites for your unwanted items in our Guide. Clearly label boxes as you pack them, and when possible assign their new location so you aren’t searching for them later. Share copies of the new floor plan to help ensure furniture and boxes are moved to the correct areas. We have included a great Moving Day Checklist in our Guide for you to follow.

A new space is a time to consider some new policies for employees. There are likely changes to space configurations, or new shared spaces in your new location, so consider what is appropriate. Personal items clearly visible to customers, or within shared or common areas, are usually only okay to a point. Now is a great time to review and instigate some new “rules”.

Make a good first impression with your new neighbors by notifying them of your moving day(s) so they will be aware of the activities, and the likelihood that parking and loading areas may be obstructed and in heavy use.

Having some cold drinks and snacks available for movers, staff and curious neighbors helps fuel energy, and makes a friendly gesture during this busy time.

Moves require a lot of energy, but with good communication and organization at the outset, your move can be an exciting and invigorating change for your business, employees and customers!